Thursday 19 March 2015

Daffodils Just For You - Card and Matching Bookmark

Hello Everyone

Spring really does seem to have arrived up here in Ayrshire in the last few days. Not only have we had sunshine but the temperature is definitely gone up a couple of degrees so my latest makes are very timely.
First up is this card with matching bookmark set made for this month's UKPC swap ... the theme, of course, is Daffodils. The patterned paper, topper, insert and greeting were printed from an old CD, Aroma Notes, from Card Creations Plus. This CD was sold in support of a very good cause, Macmillan Cancer Support. I printed the topper on glossy photo paper instead of paper. The patterned paper was intended to be notepaper but trimmed down it was the perfect size for the front of this A5 card. Decorations are mauve card candi and a tiny bow made from mauve organza ribbon - also used on the bookmark.
Inside with insert and back with tiny topper.

Front and back of the bookmark. The verse reads:

Daffodils .....
A carpet of gold heralds spring,
Heads held high, a magnificent
thing ......
              ... Hazel J Bainbridge ...

With just the addition of a few snippets of card for matting the toppers - mauve for one, green for the other, plus deep yellow for the tiny punched butterflies - I was able to make these two cards using leftover bits and bobs from the print outs. The butterflies are decorated with Stickle yellow glitter glue.

I'm submitting the cards to the following challenges:
The first card to Mrs A's Butterfly Challenge - P is for Patterned Paper - front and insert are daffodil patterned.
The second and third cards to Pixie's Snippets Playground - Week 168 - snippets are, as mentioned before, the matting and the butterflies.

Many thanks for visiting. I hope you are well and enjoying some of this better weather wherever you are.

Happy Crafting,


  1. Two pretty cards! They do feel like Spring. The daffodils are blooming here everywhere. I do not have any in the garden here as we just have a small spot of half dead lawn...soon to be removed on the next sunny day. DH has put in a tree and a shrub so far and the ground is very clay like and rocky...
    Thin there will be quite a lot needing removed and some nice black earth trucked in!

    Happy Spring! Wonderful card.

  2. Good Morning Elizabeth. What beautiful cards. I love Daffodils too. We have a field of hope opposite the house and at this time of year they are so lovely. Hope you are getting back to yourself by now. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. So pretty these are delightful cards Love and hugs Carolex

  4. Absolutely gorgeous card and bookmark Elizabeth! Sunny here today, yay for Spring!!!


    Di xx

  5. You did well to get the 3 cards and the tag out of the topper sheet from the CD rom. We drove into town this afternoon and the roads are lined now with Daffodils in bloom. Spring really is on it's way. Your cards a re lovely with the mauve embellishments added. Than kyou for fluttering by #26. Hugs Mrs A.

  6. Such pretty cards, I love the colour combo, very spring like. Andree (Guest Designer Butterfly Challenge #26)

  7. So pretty are your card and bookmark the Daffoldils are gorgeous x

  8. What a beautiful creation this set is! The daffodils are breathtakingly beautiful, and I love all the wonderful detail work! Gorgeous!

  9. Beautiful daffodils, what wonderful cards, so bright and cheery :o)
    Jackie xx


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