Wednesday 11 June 2014

Painting of a different kind ...

... and even more WOYWW5 ATCs!

Yes, we are painting the hall, stairs and landing this week so the desk has been swapped for the EM's WorkMate. And on it is a paint kettle containing a tin of undercoat at the moment and a couple of paint rags, and a screwdriver - for prising the lid off the tin. There's a paintbrush too - just out of shot.

All this means I won't be joining in the desk hopping over at What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW) this week. This fun hop is normally in full swing over at the Stamping Ground by now but there seems to be a bit of a glitch cos there's no linky there yet!

Edited Note: It's Wednesday evening and I've just discovered the reason for no WOYWW post ... Julia has been taken ill whilst on holiday and is in hospital. Both the EM and I wish her a rapid recovery and hope she is up and about again soon. For further information, please pop over to Lunch Lady Jan's who will be keeping us posted. 

 Despite my non-attendance, I just had to show you the lovely ATCs received this week.
Are they gorgeous or what??? From the Sewing Sisters, Twiglet and Wipso (aka Jo and Annie), I just love all the stitchwork  - beautiful :)

Hopefully all the ATCs I sent out have reached their destination by now so here, for the record, is a pic of the digital card I made to accompany them.

Using Serif Craft Artist 2 and two digikits - Pebbles Floral Lane for papers, ribbons and flowers and Playground, a free kit from Daisytrail for the birds. To create the 'topper' I had a go at digital punching the papers and adding shadows to each item creates the illusion of dimension.
After printing out I added orange and blue gems from Anita's gem wheels to give a little bit of real dimension. 

Even the insert and the back were created digitally... 

... as was the ATC.

Well better get back to the painting.

Have a great day and a wonderful week.

Happy Crafting,


  1. More decorating, when will it ever stop.
    Love the cards, so pretty.
    Don't know if you have heard about Julia, The lunch lady Jan has the news why there is no WOYWW this week.
    Happy crafting, Angela @Felix the Crafty Cat

  2. Hello Elizabeth. We are waiting for someone to come and decorate out hall, stairs and landing- too much now for us to do. Anne x

  3. Lovely cards and ATCs I hope Julia makes a speedy recovery

    Vic x

  4. That's a big painting job you have going there Elizabeth ooh l hate the thought of it after doing it recently lovely cards xx

  5. Good luck with the painting Elizabeth, I feel your pain :) If you run out of places to paint our address is ............

    Hugs, Di xx

  6. wonderful work on atc there Elizabeth, etc very clever! .. hope painting goes well and we are ll thinking of Julia and praying for her speedy recovery, Shaz in oz.x

  7. Hi Elizabeth - have been most remiss with my 'ATC' thank you's - just been too busy to come on the pc the last few days!! Love your digital card and ATC - clever you! I have serif and a zillion digikits BUT NO FLIPPIN TIME to work out how to use it all. Sigh. One day.....
    And now this bear of little brain has to check out.... you are the same Elizabeth as on UKPC aren't you? I have muddled my head with hopping around (not difficult) but I do hope I've got that right!! Happy (belated) WOYWW5 anyway, I have posted the last two weeks but been a useless visitor and haven't even had time to check up on Julia. Makes me feel bad but sometimes my 'virtual' life has to take a back seat to the real world. Speak soon, Cindy x


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