Friday 3 August 2012

Happy Days Photo Album

Hi Everyone,

It's been an odd week so far ... because of my sister's illness, the craft space has been neglected. Many thanks to all who left get well messages for Margaret ... crafters are all so incredibly kind and thoughtful.

And I've just heard that she is on the mend although she has a long way to go yet. The scan revealed that she has heart failure though it's not certain which came first, that or the infection.

Whatever, the treatment she is now on seems to be doing the trick, but we have been told it will be quite some time before she is well enough to return home.

Somehow I did  find enough time in the week to make this photo album for my daughter's 41st birthday today.

The album is made almost entirely with Papermania's Happy Days 12" x 12" paper stack and embellishments - all fifties style and very pretty. The only additional materials used were some cream cardstock, blue satin ribbon and vintage lace trim.

The base is made from one sheet of 12"x12" paper, as usual - you can see how here. For the pocket trims, I used the chevron pattern paper and cut along the blue stripes - it's a bit different from using a punch. Actually, my scissors were working overtime as I fussy cut a lot of the embellishments from the heavily patterned sheets in the stack.

The photo mats - cut to fit inside the pockets - are constructed from the cream cardstock and yet more of the patterned paper.

Here they are tucked inside the pockets.

Confession time - the lace trimmed wasn't planned. It's covering up a mistake I made trimming the red/blue patterned trim on one of the pockets - I held the scissors at the wrong angle and cut to much away :(

Here's the birthday girl showing off her first attempt at crochet - a cushion cover for her newly decorated lounge.

She's mainly self-taught, she watched a few YouTube demos - I only had to show her how to do the corners of the square and off she went  - now she has caught the crochet bug too :))

We have the Ayr Flower Show this weekend and normally we'd be going along but we've had to give it a miss this year. The weather has been appalling, we've had some really extra heavy showers today, so I suspect that the ground will be like a mud bath by now - such a shame for the organisers and all the folk involved.

Before I go, I'd like to welcome my new followers - hope you will enjoy popping in every now and again to see what I've been up to.

I hope you will all have a lovely weekend. Hopefully, life will now return to normal for me and I will be able to get into the craft room more over the weekend and do a lot more blogging too.

Happy Crafting,


  1. What a fantastic album and a lovely keepsake. So glad that your Sister is on the mend. Lovely crocheted cushion cover. I did a blanket years ago (not in squares but all in one) and have not done anything since - maybe its time to look out the crochet hook again.

  2. Hi Elizabeth, Thats great news regarding your sister and hopefully she will continue to get well quickly, Gorgeous crocheted cushion cover your daughter has done l just love crocheting but haven't done it for a lot of years would be great to take it up again and you never know l might just do so! Gorgeous Album the insides are gorgeous as is the front of it your attention to detail is so clear and beautifully done its stunning, xx

  3. What a beautiful mini album. I loved your walkthough of how to do it!
    Your daughter is just gorgeous! She looks so sweet clutching her new pillow.

  4. Beautiful work please to hear you sister is n=on the mend.Hugs Ginny ♥

  5. Good morning Elizabeth, it is good to know that your sister is on the mend.
    I love your wonderful album, so colourful.
    I love your daughter's cushion cover too, I am no good with anything knitting/crocheting/sewing! :o)
    Jackie xx

  6. sorry to hear about your sister but so glad she is on the mend. I love the album and your daughter's crochet cover x

  7. I think my mum might enjoy something like this. She isnt up to looking through a heavy photo album, but this would be ideal as she could also have it open on display (like a card). Thank you for such a great idea Elizabeth
    Karen xxx


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