Wednesday 4 July 2012

WOYWW 161 - Fourth of July

Hi Everyone.

Happy 4th of July to all who are celebrating today ... and Happy WOYWW to everyone too :)

Be brief, Julia asks, so I will try - here then is my what my desk looks like this morning.

Well, if nothing else, it's colourful! But, there's not much going on, just like there hasn't been much going on for a week or so while I've been laid up with my horrible 'trotters' - my feet as described by my friend Di :)) And talking of Di, that beautiful card at the back is her creation and it was she who sent me the three Distress Ink pads - fabulous - I'm itching to play with them!

The latest copy of Craft Stamper has a really bright and colourful cover this month and has been keeping me amused whilst confined to the prone position ... it's full of inspiration too :) The book is another distraction ... who could resist Dewey, that gorgeous ginger cat - not me!

Amongst the reels of  ribbon and boxes of buttons there's my new SU oval punch and you can just about make out my WOYWW button. And, there is also the newest stamp in my collection ... Penny Black's Snowy Woods ... I saw this on the very talented Natalie's blog - NGCards - and wanted  needed to have it. I quickly sourced it to Blade Rubber Stamps and how's this for service, I ordered it on pm Monday and the postie delivered it Tuesday morning ... amazing! Thumbs up to them for the speediest service ever :)

Under all the stuff on my desk is the start of a project. Just as soon as I can I'll be setting to, tidying that mess up, and maybe even finish the project.

Right, I've shown you mine, now it's your turn to show us yours ... just click the WOYWW button, on the left sidebar there, to be transported to Julia's Stamping Ground where you can join in the fun :)

In the meantime, I'm off to have a bit of breakfast, look at what the postie has brought this morning ... I'm not holding out hope for anything other than the usual boring stuff ... then a shower and back to visit as many WOYWWers as possible.

Crafty Hugs,


  1. Hi there. Nice to pop in and see your creative world this week. I won't stay long; don't want to give you my cold! Hope you have a good creative week though.The mag does look vibrant this month!
    Neil # 33

  2. Great desk Elizabeth, such a pity you cannot enjoy it at this moment in time. Luckily for you it will remain till you are ready to create again. Hopefully each day your poor feet are getting better. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. It is a colourfuldesk!!! Sorry you have had poorly feet, hope
    They are feeling better soon! Have a great week trace x 52

  4. I managed to save my CS to read in bed the other evening, it's full of lovely things this time as always. We just need more hours in the day to try it all don't we?
    You'll love the Spring DI's too, they are really gorgeous colours. I have my eye on the Summer ones now, I've resisted so far but I keep seeing them tempting me all over the place. Those naughty people at Ranger are so bad for our crafting pennies!!
    Hope your feet start to feel better soon and let you play with your lovely stash again.
    Take care, Elizabeth and Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #91

  5. Nice to see your desk :) and happy WOYWW ! kissinia #38

  6. I really do hope those trotters allow you play very soon. Sending you lots of healing hugs,
    A x #66

  7. Best of luck with the trotters!! Hope they are on the mend. Pretty card on your desk. x Jo

  8. Naughty Di calling them trotters!! Hope you feel lots better soon!
    Lovely peek at your desk... CS and the cat book have definitely caught my eye!!
    Victoria #94

  9. Your poor (old??) feet ...I hope they recover soon ....looking at your desk it makes me think that maybe I should buy some mags for inspiration....I could just do with that butterfly freebee. xx#10

  10. Thanks for sharing Elizabeth.

    Hope your feet get better soon :)

    Happy WOYWW xx

  11. Oh dear I hope your poor 'trotters' :o) are better soon! poor you not been able to craft! Hope you can get back to it soon. The card you received is so pretty and i love the look of that snowy woods stamp!! x April #88 oh yes, the pearls in the little wheels on my desk, I bought the empty wheels and filled them with some bagged pearls I bought seperately :o) x

  12. thanks for stopping by my place. Hope your trotters are feeling better soon and you can get back to crafting.
    What a lovely card from your friend and such a nice gift. it's always nice to get 'happy' post.

    Hugs Emily #85

  13. Hope your feet are better soon.
    I've just got my first distress ink pads, have fun playing with yours.
    Have a good week,

  14. sorry to hear you are unwell hope you are better soon
    TFS Happy WOYWW xx Charlie.xx #72

  15. I loved this month's Craft Stamper too... mind you I say that every month! Thanks for visiting me today and for the tip about the brown paint, you make a good point, I'll have to try it out later. Happy WOYWW! Sarah (78)

  16. happy woyww and 4th july, kitty mag look interesting, hope your feet are on the mend, mark

  17. I really must subscribe to craft stamper - I love it and always forget to look for it when out. Sorry you've got poorly feet hope you will be better soon. CARD FROM di IS GORGEOUS. hAPPY woyww - OH WHAT HAVE i DONE HIT CAPS LOCK BY MISTAKE Anne x

  18. Oh poor you - didn't realise your feet had been playing you up. I hope you have been waited on hand!
    You do indeed recognise the bag!! I always hang on to gift bags, especially one as fab as that one. It made the perfect holder for all the name tags!
    Hope you feel better soon,
    Hugs, LLJ #60 xx

  19. I can see a pretty pink card peeking out at the back. Noticed you are up there in Ayr! Great part of the world - we have holidayed there many times. Love the Burns trail and Kirk Alloway and so on. Largs is lovely too. Now a follower so i will def pop back again. jenx

  20. Loving the lush colours of those distress inks and isnt Craft stamper fab this month xx Thanks for stopping by today its been lovely to see your space too xx

  21. I'm late too Elizabeth - and also off to bed.

    Did loads of research before plumping for this laptop - as you say, so much choice out there.

    Belated Happy WOYWW! Hugs, Di xx

  22. happy woyww elizabeth...I've just got my craft stamper too...hope the trotters are better soon...hugs kath xxx

  23. Such a sunny crafty space. Sorry to hear about your feet, jope they are much better soon. I think I may now need that stamp too, i think half the fun is searching for an item that someone else has used that we like. Hugs, Amanda *56

  24. ooh I got those spring DIs too. The peacock feathers is just lush! They work great on american seam binding in you want to coordinate ribbon to your project.


  25. I keep seeing those gorgeous DI on everyones desk and I think I am just going to have to buy them. Hope you feel better soon and I also can't resist a kitty.
    Sandra @99

  26. hope you are soon feeling better Elizabeth x

  27. Sorry your feet are bad at the moment, hopefully you will be up and about soon. I can't wait to get my copy of Craft Stamper, the free stamp looks amazing too! The Penny Black Stamp looks a must have! Thanks for visiting my desk, I watch the Encaustic Art on C&C too - some of the artwork is so amazing! Take care xx

  28. Oh the Dewey book is such a good one. I love anything animal related. Hope you had a good WOYWW. Karen T, 77 x

  29. I so sorry your feet are playing you up, hopefully you will be up and about again soon. I can't wait to get my copy of Craft Stamper, its my favorite magazine - the free stamps looks cool too! Thank you for visiting my desk, I watch the Encaustic Art shows on C & C too, the artwork they show is amazing! Take care xx

  30. Always cheers me up when I get good service like that, and the stamp is gorgeous, can see lots of lovely C cards made with that.
    Thanks for popping by yesterday - much appreciated.
    Ann B

  31. The butterfly stamp this month is lovely, and some great prpjects in the mag too - but will I find time to do any of them? Hope your 'trotters' are back to normal soon and you can get inky with your new DIs. Thanks for popping in to see me this week, Cindy #69

  32. Great looking desk . . . now I need to go and buy that CS mag . . . think it's in the shops tomorrow!

    Hope your "trotters" recover soon.

    Sarn xxx

  33. I must get a Craft Stamper when I return to the UK. Enjoy the new ink pads.

  34. Hi Elizabeth thanks for popping to see me - the strawberries were fab by the way! I had them for dessert tonight. What a great friend to send you those wonderful ink pads - I have just sent off for mine! I think I need that magazine too! WOYWW Hugs from Helen 64

  35. Love that card from Di! Hope your feet soon get better - nothing worse than poorly feet, I know as I suffer with mine too.
    Noticed you changed your picture - hairstyle different now.
    Take care and keep blogging.
    Hugs, Neet #3 xx

  36. Sorry to hear you arent very well - hope your feet are better soon but lets be positive at least you can sit and craft! Those seasonal distress inks are fabulous bright colours arent they - I have them too but havent played with them enough yet! Thanks for commenting on my blog - I have finished my Alice in Wonderland bag but havent had chance to blog it yet as I am too busy catching up on here!

  37. Sucks having bad feet, mine get blistered really easily if I'm on then for a long time, that's a pain too! Lovely happy post you received, especially from generous Di. Never heard of Dewey before so I'll go and look him up. Really enjoyed the photos from the first part of your trip, would love to see some more. It wasn't cool on the lake when we went kayaking as it was 78F at 8am, and very still and humid. It was actually very sticky, but this hot, hot weather should be moving out by Saturday night, can't wait for that to happen! Have a wonderful weekend.

    Brenda 7

  38. Hi Elizabeth, thanks for visiting my blog and your comments, at the moment all this is guess work to me so when I find how to put a button on my blog so others can follow me I will,

  39. Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for stopping by and for your comments, this is all new to me, will have to find out how to put a button on so anyone can follow my blog, pretty much guesswork at the moment

  40. I'm glad Di sent you some goodies to make up for the horrible comments on your feet. Maybe I should encourage people to insult me so that they then send me stuff! Take care of yourelf.

    Thanks for stopping by,
    cheers, rachel #53

  41. ooh, my copy of Craft Stamper has just arrived and yes it is bright and cheery. Thanks for sharing your desk and visiting mine.

    Kyla #54

  42. Love your blog! Happy WOYWW :) Annie #101

  43. Hope today finds your feet feeling a little better...that could not be very nice to be laid up from crafting!

  44. I can fully understand why it was you ‘needed that stamp Elizabeth, it’s lovely. In fact it reminded me of a photo I took in New York’s Central Park several years back that I was going to use on my Christmas Cards and never actually did……must did it out this year!
    Hope you’re on the mend soon.
    Despite being ‘laid up’, you’re desk looks a hive of activity and I’m sure that once you’ve back on your feet you’ll be back in the swing of things very quickly with all that inspiration around you.

    Thanks for stopping by this week and……
    Happy Crafting!
    x x x

  45. What a nice friend to get you timmy inks, there the best kind, have fun playing and i hope your tootsies are giving you less gip x

  46. Can see you have some stamping pending there Elizabeth. Sorry to hear of the feet troubles, hope you are feeling better now. Thanks for stopping by BJ#18

  47. looks like you are ready for some fun! pretty card in the background too!
    Lindsay #18

  48. Hope you are feeling a lot better Elizabeth, sorry I'm so late at getting round, I was having trouble 'seeing' people's pictures, and then of course I forgot where I got to!
    Your desktop looks craftier than mine did last Wednesday! (It's worse now!)
    The windows are fabulous, thank you for saying,wish we could have had them done years ago, but then I might not have got my French windows as hubby wanted the same for same (Boring!!) As soon as we first set foot into that empty cobwebby smelly living room years back I just knew one day there would be French windows in that space!
    That book on your desk, I'm sure we have one similar, the same cat, but a different picture, hubby bought it for a 'Christmas Stocking pressy for 'someone' but I ended up keeping it. Hope your having a dryer weekend than us!
    Happy very late WOYWW)
    ((Lyn)) #22

  49. Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks for popping by my blog, great to hear from you. Sorry you have been poorly. I love that card that Di sent you and those ink pads are awesome, you will have loads of fun. Now I do have to ask, how do you use Kit e Kat in the art? LOL

    If it is to keep the fluffy one away I do suggest not to store it on the desk LOL

    Eliza #22
    Oh and I have got things done after horrendous shifts and I have had a few days off. TTYS

  50. Hi there Elizabeth, sorry am bit late this desk of yours certainly is really interesting one with lots of lovely things hope your hoofs ae soon on the mend, is hard going when it is your feet as they are essential. I hope you have great weekend weather - thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #73

  51. I hope your feeling better soon, I love the craft stamper, and I have those distress inks they are fantastic. Love the card, bet it was lovely to have a surprise in the post. Fantastic delivery, think I might have to nosy at blade rubber shop, it's great when you get quick customer service. Hope your back to crafting soon. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy x

  52. Hello Elizabeth,
    My apologies for such a late visit but hey...what's new I ask myself. It takes me all week and I still don't get to everyone's desk or even the amount I would like to. Anyway, I'm here now :D
    What a colourful desk which must cheer you up. I'm intregued with your feet (sorry that sounds a little weird) so will have to read further the find out about them. ;D
    I see you're in Ayr ~ my daughter lives in Edinburgh at the moment so I've been hearing all about the horrendous weather. Hopefully they'll be an Indian Summer and everyone can warm up and dry out before autumn comes to call!
    Have a crafty week and thanks for popping by my place ~ Neesie #29

  53. Lovely colourful desk, Elizabeth, and hope the cats are keeping you company while your feet are bad - hope they are better soon. Sorry to be so long - almost time for another WOYWW and I only ever seem to manage a few desks each week these days!

    Thank you for your lovely comment - so glad you like my zentangle art! Had a rough day today and we had to go out for our yearly accountant's appointment but all went well fortunately - I'm just completely wiped out now!

    Happy extremely belated WOYWW!


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