Wednesday 9 May 2012

WOYWW 153 - cardmaking detritus and granny square update

Hello Everyone,

It's that day of the week again ... namely What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday - WOYWW - the day a great many of us take a snap of the current mess, or state of tidiness, our desk is in and reveal all to Julia, Keeper of the Desks at Stamping Ground. If you haven't done so already, feel free to hop over, click the WOYWW link on the sidebar there, and join in the fun.

Unfortunately, due to all sorts of pressures and stress - all self-inflicted of course ... I've no idea why I'm so busy, I'm retired for goodness sake!?!? - I couldn't join in last week and I missed you all ... so, no matter what, I'm joining in today. Keeping it as brief as possible, as requested by Julia, here is the state of my desk this morning.

Sorry about the glare from the camera on the craftsheet, the lighting wasn't so good when I took the photo ... the wee small hours of the morning :) As you can see there's an almost completed card, the first Christmas card I've made in a while, and all the fall-out from it lying around: bits of DP, stamp set, ribbon, syringe of glue gel, gold cord, photo glue, glue tape (there's an awful lot of glue here) greeting stamp, and the ink pad. The topper isn't finished yet, there's just a bit more to do before it can be added to the card front ... I'll post the completed card at some point later today.

Granny Square Update:

At the risk of boring you all rigid with my progress, here's the total number of squares made to date for the bed cover I'm now making for my little great-granddaughter. That's 50 squares there and, as you can see, it's pink, pink, pink! Well, with just a wee touch of colour to add interest ... I'm not sure that all little girls like pink as much as their mum's do :)

Okay, that's me reported in for this week. I'm off to get some much needed sleep, it's just after midnight here, and hopefully be up bright and early to do a bit of snooping around the desks of you willing WOYWWers.

Wishing you all a fun-filled day and a creative week ahead.

Happy Crafting


  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    Look at all the granny squares! You've been very busy - oh but I hope the self-inflicted stress goes away. I tend to do that too.

    Happy WOYWW

  2. The granny squares are looking great Elizabeth. You will soon have it finished and be on the the next one :-)
    A x #47

  3. I am looking forward to seeing the completed card Elizabeth, I like what I see so far. Well done on 50 squares, how many to go? :o)
    Jackie xx

  4. Goodness, Christmas cards already, I need some Summer before I can start to think of anything seasonal. You are so organised, Elizabeth,
    Love the crocheted squares.
    My Dad always said he never knew where he found time to work when he retired!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #86

  5. Ooh your squares are piling up now. Your card is looking good, I need to get on with some more of my own Christmas cards too. Take care, enjoy WOYWW this week, I know I will! Zo xx 73

  6. OOOH nice neat desk I reckon. LOVING your crochet squares. It makes me want to get my hooks out, especially as I just bought a crochet flower book!

    Happy WOYWW Elizabeth.

    Sarn (#61)

  7. Morning Elizabeth! Your little squares seem to be growing to me! I'm not retired but I only 'do' a few things in the week, and they still take up too much of my 'me' time!! There is never enough time!
    Have a lovely crafty week HaPpY WoYwW!
    ((Lyn)) {67}

  8. Morning Elizabeth! Your crochet squares are quickly growing that you will soon have your blanket all finished! I love the look of the card on your desk, it is looking good :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely week, Hugs, Karen xx #49

  9. I am unable to make Christmas cards at this time of year! Great desk - I also have less time now I'm 'retired' ... how does that happen? Jacqui #101

  10. Lots of fabulous stuff going on - love your card - but can't believe that you have started already!! LOL!!


  11. The Christmas card is looking good Elizabeth, as are those crocheted squares. I am the same as you, retired, but don't know where the time goes - busy, busy. Thanks for your visit earlier. Anne #2

  12. Hi Elizabeth - retirement is fab but its amazing how the hours and minutes fill themselves up isn't it!! I love the pink granny squares - you will soon have enough!! x Jo

  13. Good work on the Granny squares!! Hope you have a good week - it seems to me that all retired people are busier than those of us at work! Helen, 9

  14. All those granny squares. That's a lot of sewing later! Lovely. Famfa#118

  15. your squares are fab,cant wait to see them joined
    have a fab crafty woyww
    kay #28

  16. Well done for making your Christmas card. Some of us join Sandra on Rudolph Day (25th of the month) so we have a few cards made already.
    I could do with that blanket to snuggle under as I have a chest infection at the moment. Drat. Off to see the finished card now.
    Hettie 157

  17. granny squares .. wish I could crochet these are very pretty have a great week

  18. The squares are coming on a treat - and, of course, I've since seen the finished vintage Christmas card - thanks for sharing (Hazel, WOYWW #95) x

  19. You are certainly getting through those squares. Have you worked out yet how many you need? I shall be back doing crocheting as I have just got the wool I need for doing JoZarty's shawl/scarf. My idea is to take it on holiday with us next week, as well as my long standing cross stitch, and a bit of colouring/drawing. I am looking forward to seeing your end result when you get it done. Thank you for your visit today and your kind comments. you are welcome to some of our rain, our garden is semi-flooded so we cannot plant anything out in the ponds that have formed. Have a good week and take care of yourself. xx Maggie #77

  20. Good to see retired mum says she never knows how she coped with a job! Love those squares - contemplating my baby colours too- and the hand made versus "bought and be done" version - both very appealing. With the year whizzing by so quick a Chrimble card in may is not a bad idea...thanks so much for all the visits! Happy Woywwing and thanks for the peek. Sarah

  21. Love all that knitting... know what you mean about missing it here when you don't post!!!

  22. Great looking projects! Love those squares.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your WOYWW hopping.

  23. Love those crochet squares Elizabeth... you have been busy just love the colours.. Fabulous christmas card too! Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#31

  24. Aw Elizabeth, would rather hear that you're so busy enjoying life...stress and pressures are a bummer, so sorry to hear of them..thank goodness you can escape into crochet and paper once in a while. I about stressed over the sight of a Christmas card on your desk....but then I forgive you because I's you that's organised not me that's late!
    Take care, hope this week is an improver.

  25. all those squares! well done. My problem is I make them, and make them, and make them some more, then I put off the hooking them all up! I'm sure you will do much better :)

    Mary Anne (11)

  26. Congrats on the PINK squares. Re whether little girls like Pink or not - my friend did not like pink - until she had a baby girl. Then Pink became the order of the day. Now her daughter is 4 and when I ask her what colour she likes it is always Pink. I think she has been brainwashed by her mummy! LOL
    How can you be busy when retired? If you ever find out please let me know because since retiring I am so busy that I don't know where the time goes.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog - Hugs Neet x #19

  27. There is something just so comforting about seeing crochet(ed?) squares and blankets. What IS the past tense of crochet anyway?! I didn't like pink until I had my baby girl. I have red hair and look awful in pink so I despised it because I so wanted to be able to wear it. Now I have pink everywhere except in my clothing ;-)! #53

  28. Yes I agree, crocheted squares are a reminder of past days.Sometimes Retiremenet makes us try to fit in too much.I know I do. (try I mean). I am loving this time so much, I just don't want to waste a minute.

  29. I'm getting around late this week...but better late than never!?!?

    Your Christmas card is beautiful! I really need to get started on mine...I didn't even send any out last year!!

    I can't wait to see your finished's going to be gorgeous!!!

    Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek!

    Amy E. #3


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