Saturday 5 May 2012

Happy International Scrapbooking Day

Morning Everyone,

Just a quick post to wish you all a very happy day today, International Scrapbooking Day!

Predominantly celebrated in the US on the first Saturday in May, National Scrapbooking Day, now International, was apparently started in 1994 by the well-known album company, Creative Memories.

Whatever it's origins, I think it's a pretty good idea and well worth celebrating. And what a lot of celebrating is going on. Not only are many scrapbooking companies celebrating this week, there are design challenges, crops, and giveaways all over the world! Check online, a quick Google brought up a goodly number of sites that are celebrating in some way or another. Here's a few examples:

Basic Grey  - Melanie Bauer has set a sketch challenge for the occasion

Design House Digital - are having a sale and a blog hop

Creating Keepsakes Blog - have had a week-long scrapping around the house theme which looks a lot of fun. And there's a free digital kit to download here together with a scrapbooking class which is easy enough for beginners - also free

And that's just scratching the surface. If you don't already scrapbook but would like to have a go, there couldn't be a better day to investigate the possibilities, and perhaps put you toe in the water, get out those photos, card and DP and dive right in :)

For loads of inspiration you couldn't do better than to take a trip over to UK Scrappers

Whatever you do today, have fun and ...

Happy Crafting,

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