Wednesday 4 January 2012

WOYWW - Week 135 - paint, powder and pearls

Morning WOYWWers, Followers and Fellow Bloggers,

Here we are, clocking in for the first WOYWW of the year - I hope you are all well rested after the festivities and raring to go :) To join in the fun that is What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday, all you need to do is check in with the redoubtable Julia Dunnit, keeper extraordinaire of the desks, here - you'll find all the details and links to a ginormous number of crafters' workspaces there at the Stamping Ground.

My desk is not as tidy as usual because there's a work in progress hiding under that rather gorgeous piece of patterned paper (more of later) which I'm not ready to reveal yet. You can see that it has involved the use of lots of paint and embossing powder - the pearls linger on from a previous project and should have been put away by now! Those very useful reverse action tweezers are proving to be a boon, as is the purple tray - they're now absolutely essential tools of the trade :))

Back to that sheet of design paper ... it was one of those 'saw it, loved it, had to have it' impulse buys made at my local craft shop recently, and it was only 40p! However, there is no identification on it ... I've no idea who the maker is or what the design is called. If anyone out there knows anything about it, I'd be grateful if you could drop me a line as I would like to give the details when I do eventually use it on a project ... that's if I can ever bring myself to cut into it :))

That's it for this week but I'll leave you with this snap of The Boss looking in total control of proceedings and queen of all she surveys :))

Now, I'll just refill my mug with tea and then start my hop around your workdesks - can't wait to see what you are all up to today.

Edited Note: for those who really want to know what is hiding under that paper, it can be seen in the next post.

Take care, have a great WOYWW and keep crafting,


  1. I have 12x12 very similar i shall look it up and match it against your piccy and let you know if it is the same .I remember that design very clearly.Happy creative 2012 hugs judex 10

  2. Happy New year to you. I hope 2012 is a full, busy, fun and creative time for you. The paper looks lush; I have something similar and if I remember correctly it was a Papermania one, though I may be wrong!

  3. Thanks for sharing will have to remember to join in with this, but as there isn't anything on my desk today it would be boring! Zo x

  4. Ha, caught you in messy phase!!!! Yes!! there is a god!!! dont know the paper, hun, so I cant help


    Lou WOYWW

  5. Happy New Year, and looking forward to seeing what's hiding - lucky you HAVING a local craft shop!!

  6. That IS a pretty paper - I'd quite like some fabric in that pattern!! That's a great pic of your cat, she really looks regal perched on the sofa!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, LLJ #34 xx

  7. Lovely paper, can't wait to see whats underneath, I have a BOSS too who keeps me in order, enjoy tour cuppa x x Hugs May x x x

  8. Fabulous paper although I haven't a clue who makes it :( Amd great shot of The Boss - pole position up there I think! Happy WOYWW! Di xx

  9. Happy New Year! Oooh I wonder what's going on under that sheet of DP!! Very intriguing :o) Great snap of your kitty too! April #82 x

  10. Hello Elizabeth!! Can't wait to see what's under that lovely looking paper. I hope you are able to learn the designer. I have paper too, that I just can't bear to cut! What's up with that?!? haa

    The Boss looks quite comfortable on the back of the sofa. I had a dog, a cocker spaniel, who used to lay on the back of my sofa. So cute!

    Thanks for visiting me already today. The cuttlebug will be brought out of the box this coming weekend!! Bringing up the rear at #92!!!

  11. The Boss looks remarkably comfortable. Beautiful. And your desk is remarkably tidy and still productive. Glad you liked our little village. Your idea about a checklist is a good one. This week, I just printed a copy of the list on Julia's blog, and have added to it as others joined throughout the day. Thank you for your idea. love Maggie #73

  12. Looks like you are all ready for a busy creative 2012! all the best. x Jo

  13. “The Boss” looks extremely comfortable on the back of your chair Elizabeth.
    I have to say, my BoJangles hasn’t ventured off my bed today. He doesn’t like the wind and rain so why would a boy stick his nose out from under the duvet, except for food, Lol!

    Love the colours of the paints and embossing powder you’re using for the new project.
    As for the paper, I’ve no idea but it’s really pretty…….sorry, not much help am I.

    Happy Crafting!
    And a Happy New Year.

  14. You're a bit of a teaser Elizabeth, you know how to hook us all in so get your skates on, finish the work and let us have a look please. Must admit to being a bit of pushover when it comes to paper and would have had to have that one - it's so pretty.
    Ann B

  15. Nice to see The Boss taking it easy, lol. Love your DP too- it is gorgeous, sorry I don't recognise it though. Happy new Year, Shaz x

  16. Beautiful DP, so what's it hiding then?? I have some reverse tweezers and they took some getting used to, I still lose the odd pearl in the transfer from sticky sheet to project! The Boss looks like she's cat-napping on the job there!

    Brenda 76

  17. Hmmm - I too have this paper but have had it for some years and just can't remember the maker - sorry - it is gorgeous though

  18. happy creative 2012 thanks for the peek into your world. X Sharne ( fresh as a daisy)

  19. Happy New Year to you and yours, Elizabeth. I hope it's a good one for you. Is it really a year since you became a Great Grandma, how time flies!! I hope the birthday girl had a very special day.
    You are being very secretive with your desk, what have you got hidden under there? Although that paper is gorgeous you are covering everything up with. I can never resist lovely paper when I go craft shopping and have boxes of the stuff!!
    Stay safe in all this wind. I's howling good and proper tonight here.
    Hugs Lisax

  20. Lovely paper (would love to see what's underneath it!) - think I've seen similar, but can't recall what it is. (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

  21. Love that paper too - and all the better that it was such a bargain!

    Happy woyww!


  22. I have that paper, but of course, there is no name on mine either! Have fun with it

  23. Now I am very curious to see what you are hiding under the paper! I will check back to find out! And maybe you can just keep that paper as a "Covering and Hiding Paper" and then you will never have to cut it, lol!
    Thank for the visit and Happy 2012 !!
    xoxo Karen

  24. That is a gorgeous piece of paper ...sorry I cant help identify it. How were the winds for you on Tuesday was bad here in Fife ...our neighbours shed ended up in our garden ...the recycle bin was blown over and its contents strewn everywhere ....still have bits to gather up. Hope you have a good 2012.xx

  25. Have fun with your lovely paper! And that's one relaxed kitty...

    Still not feeling that rested - we had another evening out yesterday (great fun, but tiring) so I've been stuck on the settee all day again today, but not wasting my time - I've made a video! It's on its way to my blog and Youtube so watch this space.

    Sheba is a Black Cat Cougar cutter/plotter machine, top of the range of Black Cat machines and she will cut, draw, emboss and engrave and is one powerful black kitty with sharp claws!! She has yet to be tamed so that we can create beautiful art together lol!

    Happy New Year and happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #60

  26. Hi there Elizabeth thanks so much for popping over for a peek and chat - re. bush fires thankfully we tend not to have too many here , being near the coast - have driven through scrub fires when was younger with dad one time but many for years now and pray it stays that way. Victoria, South Aust. and W.A.are where they are as there have been heat waves down there.
    Mm the paper has us all puzzled... but thanks for sharing Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

  27. Hope all is well with you in these high winds. Love the photo of The Boss who really does look as if she is surveying all.
    Not a clue on the paper, sorry, but I cannot wait to sew what the reveal will be - great desk and love the WOYWW hanging at the back. Hugs, Neet #1

  28. Hi Elizabeth! I didn't managed to get to ou last week so I thought I would swing by as a priority this week! That paper is indeed fab - could you scan it and reprint it to use as much as you like?

    Love The Boss - I ought to share some pics of my own menagerie, eh!?

    Oh, and have you heard anything of Ciara, at the Ribena Room? I'm a bit bothered about her, to be honest!

  29. That paper is pretty wonderful and I would be itching to play with it, I know I should be thinking about what you are hiding, but the paper has caught me and is distracting me... great looking desk this week and glad the boss is letting you get some work done... my boss is sitting on my feet and grumbling about being walked...happy woyww...xx

  30. Happy New Year Elizabeth! So lovely to see you crafting again already and playing with paints and powders etc. I have a paper similar to that and I think it may have come in one of those albums that has the papers and stickers etc already in it. I doubt therefore it is the same one but I could send you a photo and see if you like it? Bye for now xx

  31. Beautiful Workspace...Beautiful kit kat...I wish you, dear Elizabeth, a Beautiful & Creative Year! :-)


    P.S. Be sure to join me for Friendship Friday & Inspire Me Monday - I can't wait to share! :-)

  32. I too love that paper and believe it is K&Co, although I can't remember which set or designer. I had some about 4 years ago and used it on a lovely layout of my Gran. Your cat looks simply gorgeous and very content. I cant wait to see what is hiding under the paper.

  33. Thanks for stopping by, happy new year and happy woyww, trace x

  34. Hello again Elizabeth. Thanks for stopping by. First up, I do know who Helen Shapiro is - I may be young, but the theatrical family I come from is reasonably well aware of folks, and I can remember an elderly gentleman my mum was friends with (we called him Uncle Arthur, though he wasn't) was a HUGE fan of hers, almost to stalker level! Oh yes, Helen Shapiro!

    I'm equally worried about Ciara, and thanks to her email address I've managed to track her down on Facebook. I've messaged her through that and am waiting for an answer!

  35. Ah Elizabeth, what a mazing taste you have...that's the very same sheet of paper that Ive used for my gift calendars,September to be precise. I think there was a pic on my blog, but it's not inspirational, so don't rush off on a mission to find it!! I don't know who it's by, but next time I'm there, I'll ask my Shopkeeper Gal. will be spinning by again to see what's under the paper!

  36. Lovely paper will have to come back and check what you are hiding under it. Puss looks ery content up there. Happy New Year to you. Anne x

  37. Hi Elizabeth,
    When I can't identify with a piece of paper, I usually scan the sheet and then print off the ones that I will cut. If there are not identifiable markings, I guess you wouldn't be breaking any copy-right laws...Good luck in finding out who the producer/manufacturer is.

  38. I would have snapped up that paper in a moment's notice too. I didn't use to pay attention to who made what paper until I started to blog. Now I fret when I find an unmarked piece or an unidentified piece of a piece. Whew... just let it roll off.

  39. I love your WOYWW tag :) That is just gorgeous paper!


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