Monday 12 December 2011

Christmas Tree Decorations

Evening Folks,

I'm back! Apologies for having been away for so long but I'm now back and have cranked myself into action today to make these little tree decorations.

Pretty aren't they. They are made from bits and bobs from my stash for the Scrap Our Stash December Anything Goes Challenge. I just made them up as I went along. Even the base of the top one is just made from punched circles of packaging materials covered in circles of patterned paper from my snippet box, including one cut from the leftovers after poinsettias have been cut out of it. I just backed it on to another co-ordinating circle of paper. Even the gold ribbon bow was saved from the packaging of a 2010 Christmas gift and the backs have a little bit of decoration too.

They don't take much of anything ... a little bit of ribbon, twine and some interesting trim, a few flowers, glitter, brads, gems, card candy, peel-offs, various adhesives and a hot glue gun and they can be made in super quick time ... ready to go on the tree.

Yes, the tree is up so Christmas has arrived at Casa Worthington ... and this is what started it off ...

Lunch Lady Jan's gorgeous bunting which I won last week ... isn't it positively festive  ... love it Jan, you are such a clever needlewoman ... thanks so much for drawing my name out of the hat.

I don't know how you are all getting on with your Christmas preparations but I am really lagging behind. Lot's planned and a to-do list that would choke the proverbial elephant ... I'm like one of those beautiful swans that grace our river estuary, calm and serene on the top but paddling like crazy beneath the surface :) However, I did find time to pop into the supermarket today to buy the ingredients I didn't have in the cupboard already for Lisa's Golden Christmas Pudding Recipe - Lisa has very obligingly posted the recipe and it looked so delicious I'll be in the kitchen tomorrow giving it a try.

As the tags are made almost entirely of snippets, leftovers and bits and bobs from stash I'm sure they fit in perfectly with Jules Sunday Snippet Challenge Weeks 48 & 49

Right, off to visit as many of you as I can tonight and leave a few long overdue comments ... and tomorrow I'll be back with a hanger I've made for a little girl's bedroom.

In the meantime, take care everyone and happy crafting,


  1. Beautiful tree decorations Elizabeth! And you've cheered me up no end - there's a lot of splashing going under the surface of the water here too! Could do with another few days on top of what is left - but, as always, no doubt I'll get there somehow :) Di xx

  2. Beautiful decorations, so pretty. What a great way to use up scraps :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Hi Elizabeth

    Well your snippets have come in brilliantly for decorating your tree .. .. very ingenius.

    All beautifully decorated (front and back I notice) .. .. the top one with the lush gold ribbon might be my favourite .. .. but they are all lovely.

    Your finished tree looks great (mine is still in the roof at the moment!!!) but I am determined to be ready for Christmas by Saturday .. .. that is one week earlier than normal!!!

    Thank you for sharing your lovely decorations and your beautiful tree in the snippet playground.

    Love Jules xx

  4. beautiful decorations elizabeth.i love the gorgeous colours and designs :D

    xx coops xx

  5. Brilliant. Great use of snippets too! x


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