Wednesday 19 October 2011

WOYWW - Week 124 - organised chaos ...

... and a happy WOYWW to you all.

Where do all these Wednesdays come from ... they just seem sneak up on you earlier every week! Yes, it's time to join the weekly workdeskfest over at Julia's, Queen of Desks, on her blog, Stamping Ground - if you haven't joined in already, time you did - you'll enjoy the experience :)

My desk is looking a bit of a mess this morning ... I'm planning my next card in the Alphabet series, see this post here to read what this is all about, so paper and card are strewn about in  a haphazard way ... I'm just trying to decide what materials to use on my next card. When you're trying to make a card a day, therefore as quickly as possible, this part of the process can really slow things down. But using a paper pad does make the choice easier ... at least it should ... if only I didn't agonise over every detail :(

And the rest of the stuff? There's a lovely roll of red velvet paper ... tried without success to find this last year so pleased to have sourced now. Might use a bit of that on the card ... thought I might put it through the embossing machine and see whether that's a good idea or not. Two books from the charity shop that I'm planning to do something with ... well, I'll chose one to do something with ... for Sarah's (La-De-Dah) My Monthly Mojo. There's a new pack of photo papers on the left next to my heat gun ... should be put away, and at the back is a wee blue tray which is full of die cut poinsettias ... cut a few more than needed, but left out because they are sure to come in useful over the next few weeks.

Edited Note: For those who would like to see how the velvet embossing turned out, please take a look at my next post on the next card in the Alphabet Series - D for Deer.

And, rest of the stuff in the background live on my desk permanently ... regular visitors will recognise them, but for newcomers the chicken cupboard once held eggs but is now full of ink pads, the slug pail once held chocolate slugs, now it holds scissors, pliars, etc. The ribbon-holder is not an upcycled kitchen towel holder but a very useful item made custom made by the resident handyman, aka my DH.

So, as you can see, although it all looks a bit shambolic this morning, there's a reason for the chaos and in a few hours it will look a lot better ... I hope :)

I'd like to welcome my new followers, Evelyn, Irene, Kat, Nessy and Lou ... lovely to have you here and hope you enjoy reading about what I get up to ... I shall try to keep it as varied and entertaining as possible :)

Now, I'm off to have my first cup of tea ... yes, that's how dedicated I am to WOYWW, I haven't had my cuppa yet. Then it will be back for a nosy round the workdesks of the world ... well, as many as I can manage before I go to meet my personal trainer, get me!... later this morning ... yes, I'm about to embark on a prescribed exercise regime which is hoped will loosen up this stiff and arthritic carcass! I'll be running the London Marathon before you know it :)

Take care folks, and a happy crafting,


  1. Your desk looks wonderful and you showed the papers you want to use for your card. I think they perfect fit together. Love to see the finished results. Happy WOYWW. xFranka

  2. Elizabeth, if you think your desk is messy, then you are sadly mistaken. It is so tidy and clean, in direct contrast to mine at the moment. I quite agree with you that Wednesdays come round so fast these days. I am quite convinced there are now two Wednesdays in each week. I look forward to hearing how the embossing of the velvet paper goes.

  3. Cor that's a nice desk
    lovely papers

    Happy Wednesday x

  4. Elizabeth you are 55 not 53 (number on Julia's blog). Canes are kind of little sticks of coloured clay that you put together in a pleasing pattern at the end and then you slice them. Does that make sense?
    Just signed up to follow you - not so I can have a mention next week as I will be away and not see it anyway.
    I too have problems with paper stacks - get so side-tracked. Thanks for sharing and your comment - Neet x

  5. Don't worry about it - it has happened to me on a few occasions. Sometimes the number you first see is not the actual one anyway. Have a good day. Hugs, Neet x

  6. Lovely papers on your very tidy desk. I used white velvet paper in my Big Shot last year and it embosses lovely, you may need to experiment with shims to get a deeper impression though.

    I can't believe you thought your desk was messy LOL

    Love Mandy xxx

  7. Lovely neat tidy desk this week puts mine to shame any day of the week!Have fab wedensday ,and creative week
    hugs judex 16

  8. Ooooh Elizabeth I love your desk, looks such a happy place for crafting and so welcoming. Thanks for sharing, much love, Jennibellie x

  9. Great desk, Elizabeth! Hope you enjoyed your first cuppa!

  10. Good for you for getting a personal trainer - hopefully it's a 'he' who's easy on the eye! Then when you're suffering, at least you'll have something nice to look at - lol!!
    Hugs, LLJ #41 xx

  11. Your desk looks like it is waiting for you to sit down and finish. You will have to show what your velvet looks like after embossing. My first thought there would be to maybe mist it so it accepts the pattern better.
    Keep smiling and creating

  12. Red velvet paper, I'm so intrigued. I can't wait to see it on a card.

  13. Organised definitely but Chaos, no. Looks so tidy. Enjoy your personal training, all be worth it in the end.

  14. I wouldn't call that a mess! Those papers look gorgeous and everything looks ready for a wonderful crafting session.

  15. I’d be absolutely useless at taking part in a challenge to make a card a day because I have trouble keeping to a timetable. I think the problem is that I get too easily side-tracked by lovely stash, Lol!
    But if I were joining in I’d be up to ‘T’ for Trees, because that’s what’s on the card I’ve just finished.

    Happy Crafting!

  16. Ingenious storage solutions! *lol*
    I had some of that velvet paper - but in black... and my eldest daughter pinched it ... to decorate panels in her flat with!

  17. I love your organsied chaos, Elizabeth, it's so super tidy. Your want to come and see my space now I'm up to my eyes in DT work, now that's chaos!!!!
    Good Luck with your personal trainer, you make me feel decidedly lazy. Seriously though, I hope it works for you, I know how disabling Arthritis is.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax

  18. Haphazard and Shambolic - I don't think I see that at all! Love the velvet paper - I think it will emboss beautifully. Do show and tell, huh!

  19. What chaos???? ...organized or otherwise lol
    What is this about excersise...hope it works ....last time I tried ...about 8 years ago under dr's orders knees became swollen and I could barely walk ....sort of put me off lol... hope it goes well for you.xx

  20. Wow...look at that space. Can you come over here and do the same to mine? I mean...make it all tidy and neat like yours? Just asking! You've got some great stuff there, I love the papers...they are awesome! Thanks for letting me visit and have a great week!

  21. I do like your workspace. It looks very organised but at the same time, quite interesting. Nice papers! Thanks for visiting me!

  22. "Organised chaos"!! My god Elizabeth, you must literally pass out at the state of some of the desks on this little tour!! My desk is positively sparkling! The few items on it just make it look cosy and about to be used for some fun! The red velvet paper sounds interesting.

    Brenda 86

  23. Ugh, that should be your desk, not my desk!! Blame the cold and the thick head it's given me!!


  24. Elizabeth, well for me that would be tidy!! You really dont want to go peek at mine, now, you will be in a state of shock!! But I have just tidied the craft room, and re-organised ALL my paper and Card supplies, Hopefully it'll stay that way till next week, unlikely but hopeful lol

    Nothing better than a set of papers to mull over, and do let us know how the velvet paper turns out, please,
    Lou P #124

  25. LOL Elizabeth, looks like you are all ready to do some creating there. Mess, what mess, looks just right to me.

    xoxo Marjo

  26. No chaos there , you're so organised and tidy , all ready to get stuck in an make lovely things.
    Love JoZarty x

  27. Thanks for visiting me last week - I love the cards you have made they would also fit in with my challenge of using texture on a card/tag/layout (I set a challenge once a fortnight as it seems to be the only way I get motivated to craft at the moment!) - good luck with the exercise hope it helps.

  28. A mess? Chaos? A shambles? If my desk were that tidy people would think that burglars had come in and tidied!

    Thank you so much for visiting me.
    Have a great week, Rachel.


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